Tag Archives: Sisterhood

My Sister From another Mother

Two months ago, I followed a girl on twitter. Not for any purpose, just how we follow someone whose tweets seems beneficial. Days went by and I extended a salaam to her, I hadn’t any intention of befriending her then, just wanted to establish some amount of. islamic sisterhood. But to my surprise, she was quite friendly and open, she even invited me to an islamic halaqa but we lived in different states so I couldn’t attend.
At that time, I had given up on the search for the perfect muslim friend, I’d had some pretty bad experiences. So I made my sisters my friends and prayed to Allah(SWT) to bring me that muslim friend. I remember dedicating a special two rakats during ramadan asking Allah(SWT), but that was it, I’d prayed but I wasn’t going searching and I was pretty content Alhamdulillah.
It wasn’t until I had a conversation with Fadilah Umar(maan do I love that girl :D, may Allah preserve her) and she shared an article with me on friendship ( http://t.co/KXPikMw ) that I revisited the thought of befriending somebody new. The article taught me that if I didn’t have muslim friends, I should go on islamic forums,blogs,etc to make some.
I decided to give it one last try. I sent a message to the muslimah who had invited me to the halaqa asking if I could get to know more about her, and she agreed. We got chatting and my, did we ‘zing’. We had a nice long conversation and we ended up even exchanging numbers(I know, quite fast ,eh? ๐Ÿ™‚ ) I sent her a couple of texts but apparently her phone had a problem and she didn’t receive it, I even called once but she didn’t answer. A week and some days went by, I had began to forget about my new friend when suddenly she texted me apologising for the silence and all. We had an even longer and nicer conversation, turned out the girl is just as talkative as I am :D.
To cut a long story short, we’ve grown pretty close :).
At first I really was scared, the thought of letting someone in and the probability of getting hurt troubled me. But the more I got to know her, the less scared I was.
From what I could tell from our frequent conversations;
She is very kind,gentle and sweet person; Upright, morally and religiously;responsible;intelligent; fun loving and cheeky ;beautiful,inside out, good natured and not forgetting, CRAZY!!! ๐Ÿ˜€
I could go on & on listing the good qualities of my friend but they’re inexhaustible. I learn so much from her, I want to better when I’m with her, I feel like I’m not deserving of her and so I try to be better.
Allah knows that sincerely from the bottom I love that girl, my family too can testify to that. With her, I can totally feel free and be myself, with many of my friends, there are ‘no-go’ areas; I can’t talk about haram r/ships with some because they have boyfriends, can’t talk about etiquettes because they’re fashionable hijabis, etc But that’s not the case with my new friend,I can talk about almost everything about her. Its been only about 54 days since we got talking but I feel like I’ve known her for years.
But the love I have for her is not like that type of dependant love, no not at all, I know that she’s human & she may offend me & we’re bound to be separated by the separator of lovers(death) but through all those thoughts,I just love her for Allah’s sake and I hope that we’ll get that shade on the day of judgement.
I still can’t believe that I have such an amazing muslimah in my life, it’s truly a blessing. I pray that Allah(SWT) preserves her for me & grants her all her heart’s desires and gives her a mansion in jannatul firdaus,AMEEN.

Still contemplating on whether to reveal her identity or not cause I know y’all are gonna try & befriend her :D…but since you’ve read this till the end…..Her name’s Fatima Usman Maitambari.
#LoveStruck #ThoughtsToWords #fm