Monthly Archives: May 2013

The Amatullah In You

I see you coming in your boyfriend’s car dressed in your fashionable hijab, your head high up like a camel’s hump.

You listen to the latest music without a care in the world, living life to the fullest is your goal.

You’re so caught up in this life’s illusion, you want the latest shoes and the most expensive clothes. Your only talk is what she’s doing and what he’s got.

But I look at you for what you truly are, a muslimah, an a’abida. The people around you may not see it, you yourself may not see it because you look at the exterior while I look at the interior.

I know beyond that tight fitting abaya and the red lipstick is an amatullah who loves Allah(SWT) and His messenger, who wants to submit wholeheartedly to Him.

I know that deep inside is my modest sister in islam who wants to maintain her chastity and above all, wants to make it to jannah.

I see you as someone who has succumbed to her desires and fallen victim to the society’s evils, but I look at you as someone who can fight off that satan and defeat her nafs.

My dear sister, I know you can do it! I know that you can clean that heavy make up and stop shaving those eyebrows. I know you’re capable of breaking off that haram relationship and maintain your modesty. I know you’re better than to post pictures of yourself all over the internet for strange men to gaze upon.
I know that you can submit fully to Allah and be that superb muslimah that you are destined to be!

So come on my sister don’t be shy, you have kept it in for so long it’s time to let it out, release the Amatullah in you!



If the CEO of your company called you out of the blue for a meeting, it would probably be the most important meeting of your professional career. You wouldn’t dare to be late or untidy. In the meeting, you wouldn’t dare to look bored or disinterested.

Now compare this to your attitude in salaah (prayer). Is it the same, less, or more?

By Allah, I assure that the Keys of the Heavens and the Earth are in our Lord’s Hands. There is no matter but that it is under His complete control. There is nothing you desire except that He has it in His Power to give. There is nothing you fear but that He can save you from it.

And He wants to meet YOU exclusively five times a day.

Do the math and act wisely. Make salaah the most important appointment of your day.

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Who said life was a good teacher?


Life taught us: only if you call Me I will call you. If you give me a gift, I will give you. If you congratulate me on an occasion, I will do the same. But when was “life” a good teacher? Don’t be a merchant calculating things as when you sell and buy. Be generous and give without expecting anything In return. Allah says about those who give in charity: “We feed you only for Allah’s sake; we do not seek of you any recompense or thanks”. Be the one with the upper hand. Let your deeds be initiatives and not mere reactions!

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Ideal Muslimah

MuslimPrincess | Striving For Jannah

Other women stare mesmerised
For under a veil they think she hides
Yet they don’t realise
Where her true beauty lies
It’s not in her body or her looks
It’s her serenity
Her calmness
Her tranquillity
She is a Muslimah
An Ideal Muslimah
That’s her.

When she walks into a room
As cool as you please
The brothers drop their gazes
Get on to their feet
Respectfully giving her their seat
She is safe from being appraised
Like a piece of meat
It’s not from her being a celebrity
It’s from her quiet confidence
The protection provided by her Deen
Her upbringing
Her very modesty
She is a Muslimah
An Ideal Muslimah
That’s her.

People gather around her
Some wonder why that may be
For clearly there is nothing to see
So what is her inner mystery?
It’s from her gentleness
Her kindness
Her reasonable words
Her simplicity

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Until I See You-On Muhammad(SAW) by Ammar AlShukry

MuslimPrincess | Striving For Jannah

You’re the best person I’ve ever known, the best friend I’ve never met
Your sincerity to me is blinding enough to completely canvas the world around me
with drapes that read, respect, honor, focus, protect…
and leaving a window so that I can zoom in on the important things,
and yet those are the things that I forget, or neglect,
…I will do better.

Your Ummah is fine, not because of me or mine, or wounds that heal with time,
those who’d die for a dollar sign, but because of promises divine,
and so when we feel that we’re at our worst,
and our sadness would cause our hearts to burst,
it feels like there are times,
when there are angels within our lines.
Or maybe hovering over squares,
with chants of freedom in the air,
And though tyrants step on our necks
We smile…for history has always been on…

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You Know You Are Getting Attached To The Dunya When…


You know you are getting attached to the dunya when..
1. You dont plan your time around salah time
2. A whole day or two passes and you dont open your qur’an because you are too ‘busy’
3. You care so much about what people say about you
4. All you care about is how to accumulate more and more wealth
5. You argue unnecessarily when you are told something you are used to doing is haram
6. You keep on delaying good deeds -i’ll do it tomorrow,or the next, etc’
7. A new gadget comes out and you’re already thinking what you’re going to sell to obtain it
8. The lives of celebrities interests you
9. The lifestyle of the rich impresses you
10. You want to be the centre of attention
11. You compete with each other for worldly things
12. Your thirst for power and glory cannot…

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‘Growing up’


I’m sure for almost everyone of us, there comes a time in our lives when we say ‘Growing up sucks!’ We long for our carefree childhood days, days where we had little or no responsibilities, days that our parents did all the thinking for us. Ya Allah! I think of those days and the future scares me even more.
I’m sure anyone reading this may think, ‘what has this old woman seen in her lifetime?’😄lol. Well sorry to burst your bubble, i’m still a young lady who hasn’t even started bearing serious responsibilities yet. So then why am i writing this?
Some few days ago, my friends and i went to visit another friend of ours who was observing her iddah period (she had lost her husband and was observing the 4 months and 10 days a muslimah is supposed to do). We had just come from seeing another friend…

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Don’t become Satan Nor a Hypocrite

“Whoever starts (or sets an example of) something evil in Islam, will bear the burden for that, and a burden equal to that of everyone who does it after him, without that detracting from their burden in the slightest.” [Muslim]

There’s a popular rhetorical question, ‘if you encourage your friend to do bad deeds, what’s the difference between you and shaytan’?

Going by this question, most of us are mini-satans, we sometimes unconsciously encourage our friends to do bad deeds, sometimes not knowing ourselves that the deeds are bad and sometimes knowing that they are. In most cases, we ourselves are guilty of that sin. Its one thing to sin and another to encourage others to. By doing so, we are multiplying sins for ourselves, we may be reciting Qur’an & getting sins because that friend of ours is listening to the latest song that we sent to him/her. And if sent it to 10 friends, that’s 10 sins every time they listen to it. Let’s beware of this, Allah(SWT) is merciful that He allows only one bad deed to be recorded for us when we sin & ten good deeds when we do one good deed, so let’s not multiply our sins by encouraging others to do it, and let’s not follow satan’s footsteps!

Hypocrisy is when I know that a deed is haram & because of that I refrain from it, but I don’t forbid my friends from doing it but even encourage them.
In my opinion, it is an even bigger sin than encouraging others. Let me share a personal story with you;
I’ve never had a ‘boyfriend’ Alhamdulillah, maybe a few close male friends, but I’ve never gone the whole nine yards because I know that in islam it’s haram to have a ‘boyfriend’ or a ‘girlfriend’. But I had friends who were guilty of this & I didn’t forbid them (I wanted to get rid of the male friends first so that I wouldn’t be amongst those who didn’t practice what they preached). The disturbing thing was that I would encourage them in their sin, I would give a listening ear to their ‘bf’ talks, tell them what a fresh guy their boyfriend was & how lucky they were , wa iyazubillah! It was then that I realised what a terrible thing I was doing & how hypocritical I was! Till this day, I still pray that Allah(SWT) would forgive my hypocrisy. Alhamdulillah, I’ve stopped doing that & bit by bit, I’m forbidding them from doing it.
Another common example in our times, we see girls who don’t upload their pictures on bbm, twitter, facebook,etc because they know the the islamic ruling on it, but when their friends upload them, they’re the first to comment on them, telling them ‘beautiful avatar’, ‘you look gorgeous’,etc . Some even use them as their own profile pictures while they themselves don’t put up their pictures.
But the real question is, why do we encourage them? Is it because we want them to like us? Or we’re afraid to lose them? Or because we don’t want them to hint our disapproval of that action? By Allah, none of these reasons are worth it, as a hypocrite, we get two sins; one for not forbidding the evil & another for encouraging it.

Allah(SWT) says in the glorious Qur’an
‘Verily,the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire; no helper will you find for them’ (Q4:145) Subhanallah! Wallah let’s beware, on that day those friends of ours will turn against us and lament us for not correcting them and encouraging them. Nothing & no one is worth our jannah!

Please let’s stop encouraging others in sinning,let’s make istighfar for our own & start commanding the good & forbidding the evil.(‘Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining the goodness and forbidding the bad. And it is they that are successful’ Q3:104 )
And most of all, let’s not become Satan or a Hypocrite!!
Sincerely,a rehabilitated victim


A beautiful poem written by a sister.


I write because it hurts, it pains me, it’s dark
I think of my problems and I lose that wonderful spark
A breakup, an argument, some threats from some fool
I sit and I cry wondering why life for me is so cruel

Whilst I waste the time just thinking about me
I start believing my life is an atrocity
I’ll call a friend make them listen so my problems are known
Lying comfortably in bed crying and talking with a dramatic tone

Whilst I’m crying over nothing, reality kicks in
A slaughtered child is being buried in their coffin
Whilst I weep over heartbreak caused by rejection
A woman raped is ripped of her affection
Whilst I worry over money and add up my expenses
A man is being tortured and loses his senses
Whilst I stress over the harm that others do to me
A policeman turns his back to a man on a killing spree

You see we are selfish when we think that we have it bad
Imagine you were Syrian, Palestinian or even from Baghdad Bangladesh and Kashmir Afghanistan Myanmar
You know we are selfish when we worry about ourselves
Whilst a bomb made a woman bury her family of twelve
You know we are selfish because we do not care
We have our own issues to worry about so let’s try to be fair

I kid you not my life has changed
You may call me weird, awkward or deranged
I live for my ummah and to help them is my dream
With like-minded people I’m part of a dream team
Together we unite and stand by the people
I won’t live to support those that are sheeple
Follow my heart and reach out my hand
For my sisters to hold when buried in sand
I will hold you tight and take your pain
As long as I shall live ill work to make you smile again

It breaks my heart to see people dying
Even worse when a child is no longer smiling
Our problems are nothing believe me its true
When you next think about it, remember the world’s problems too

Say NO!

Trying to overcome a sin, an addiction, something that you know Allah does not like? Having a hard time and everytime you fall into it, your heart cries “Oh not again!” ? Well there is a simple but very powerful tool to stop –

Say NO to that “first” thought that slowly enters your mind. Yes, as simple as that. Don’t even open the door to that conversation that takes place in your head that you ultimately end up losing.

Often we think its good to debate with our minds as we are being “intelligent”. No my brothers and sisters! That is the biggest trap of shaytan and your nafs.

So the next time it happens, shout out aloud if you have to and tell yourself “I am not even thinking about it, so go away.” Then open the Quran on any page, and see how the protection and love of Allah envelops you from all sides.